Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Line Dancing

Heading to Okotoks to teach some Line Dancing!

Competitive Two-Step

Teaching a competitive Two-Step routine to our friends from Vancouver this weekend! Dale Tosczak & Amanda Fleet with Claudia & Dave.

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Tango & Latin Gala

We performed a Two-Step last night at the Gala. Event was sold out! Dale also danced an American Tango with his Pro-Am Student, Justine Larsgard. All proceeds go towards the Tsunami Relief. Thanks to Leo Sato ( for another great event!

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Beginner Two-Step Group Class

Frisco Hall Rocky Mountain House
Class dates and times:
Monday June 3rd 7pm (1 hr class)
Monday June 10th 7pm (1 hr class)
Monday June 17th 7pm (1 hr class)
Monday June 24th 7pm (2 hr class)
Classes are small to accommodate individual instruction. Have some fun and exercise! Courses designed to show you proper technique in a short period of time. Professional instructors Dale Tosczak & Amanda Fleet. Check us out at
Price $120 per couple

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Tango Gala

#ACDA #DaleTosczak & #AmandaFleet will be in the show at the Tango Gala Sat May 25th.

On the road again!

Driving back from Grande Prairie. Had a great weekend dancing and DJing at the Pomeroy Hotel. Good visit with friends. We're stopping off at Rocky Mountain House to teach a private lesson, then back home to Calgary.

Friday, 17 May 2013

Wednesday, 15 May 2013


We are heading to Grande Prairie this long weekend to perform in the show and DJ the social dance evening!


Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Film Day!

Just finished filming at Ranchman's, Calgary. It was a great day, should air around July/August. Will keep you posted!

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Filming day tomorrow!

On set!!! Just wrapped up practice for filming for tmrw's shoot. More details to follow when can release info! Fun...

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Calgary Open Competition

1st place!! Congrats to Justine Larsgard and Steve Poncsak for their great dancing at the Calgary open. Steve danced Two-Step & Waltz twice with Amanda Fleet. Justine danced Tango, Waltz, Two-Step & Cha Cha with Dale Tosczak.